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Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
What are DPNs?
DPN is a skin condition common in blacks, characterized by many harmless small dark ‘mole’ or ‘wart’- like growths on the face, neck, chest and back.
What causes them?
They tend to run in families. The exact cause is unknown.
Do they hurt?
They tend not to cause any symptoms. They may however get irritated by hooking on clothing and jewellery.
Do they change over time?
DPNs tend to increase in number and size with age but do not turn into cancer.
How can they be treated?
They are often left alone unless they cause a cosmetic concern or are getting hooked in clothing or jewellery. They can be removed by electrodessication (as in the picture below) or liquid nitrogen therapy. However, these procedures cannot prevent new ones from appearing.