Dr. Charlotte A. Lawrence Bedasse
M.B.,B.S. (UWI); Ph.D; MCCFP; L.C.P.C.-A.C.
A Family Physician, a Clinical Christian Psychologist and
Life Coach, Dr. Charlotte Lawrence Bedasse is on a mission to help individuals be in good health, succeed and flourish as their souls — mind, will and emotions prosper; living and enjoying life and fulfilling the plan and purpose for which they were created.
A graduate of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, and Cornerstone University, Louisiana, U.S.A., she has been operating a private general medical practice for over 25 years and is a successful and dedicated family physician, who aims to address the physical, mental, spiritual and social needs of her patients/clients.
In addition to her medical expertise she is an Ordained Minister of Counseling who is board certified and recognised as a specialist in "Crisis and Abuse Therapy"; "Death and Grief Therapy"; "Temperament Therapy"; "Domestic Violence and Intervention Therapy"; "Child and Adolescent Therapy" and "Temple Maintenance Therapy". She is also a Certified Temperament Life Coach and offers health and temperament life coaching to her patients/clients.
Dr. Bedasse offers counseling to individuals and groups to help them get over their past and life coaching to individuals, groups and organizations to help them move from where they are to where they would like to be and ultimately temperament life coaching to help them move from where they are to where God wants them to be. She is also a conference and seminar speaker addressing issues concerning physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.
Dr. Bedasse is a certified instructor and international representative for the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling (S.A.C.C.) and the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) located in Sarasota Florida USA. She is a Clinical Supervisor for students pursuing counseling courses with the SACC and NCCA.